Land Based Target Language

Click on a Dakelh expression to play the audio.


Good morning!Bunda hoonzoo!
Good afternoon!Dzetniz hoonzoo!
How are you? Danint'oh? (to one person)
Danaht'oh? (to two or more people)
I am fine. Soo'nust'oh.
I am happy. Hoonust'i.
Good-bye! Nanyoost'en si! (to one person)
Nanahoost'en si! (to two or more people)

Student Management

Where are you going? (to one person) Nts'e tenya?
Come here!'Anih!
Be quiet! T'ezinih! (to one person)
T'ezahnih! (to two or more people)
Sit down! S̲inda! (to one person)
S̲ahke! (to two people)
Delhut̲s̲'i! (to three or more people)
Stand up! S̲inyen! (to one person)
S̲ahyen! (to two or more people)
Walk behind me! Sk'oh inyalh! (to one person)
Sk'oh ah'us! (to two people)
Sk'oh ahdulh! (to three or more people)
Walk slowly! Nalhtsaya ninya! (to one person)
Nalhtsaya nah'as! (to two people)
Nalhtsaya nahdelh! (to three or more people)
Walk quickly! 'A ninya! (to one person)
'A nah'as! (to two people)
'A nahdelh! (to three or more people)
Do it carefully! Nalhtsaya 'int'en! (to one person)
Nalhtsaya 'aht'en! (to two or more people)
Listen to me! Soozilhts’ai! (to one person)
Soozulhts’ai! (to two or more people)
Look at me! Sunilh'en! (to one person)
Sunulh'en! (to two or more people)
Go left! 'Intl'us ts'e inyalh! (to one person)
'Intl'us ts'e ah'us! (to two people)
'Intl'us ts'e ahdulh! (to three or more people)
Go right! Nalhni ts'e inyalh! (to one person)
Nalhni ts'e ah'us! (to two people)
Nalhni ts'e ahdulh! (to three or more people)
Go forward! Nus̲ inyalh! (to one person)
Nus̲ ah'us! (to two people)
Nus̲ ahdulh! (to three or more people)
Stop walking! Lhgha neninyaih! (to one person)
Lhgha nenah'as! (to two people)
Lhgha nenahdulh! (to three or more people)
Stop what you are doing! Lhgha 'int'en! (to one person)
Lhgha 'aht'en! (to two or more people)


How do I say ? , nts'eza'a dusni?
I have a question. Nyoodutaskut hukwa'nuszun.
May I go to the bathroom? Tsanbayoh ts'i wusya?
Yes. A.
No. 'Andooh.
Please help me! (to one person)
Sla 'ineh!
Do you want food?
Yes, I want food.
Ts'uyi ka'ninz̲un ih?
A, ts'uyi ka'nusz̲un.
Do you want water?
Yes, I want water.
Too ka'ninz̲un ih?
A, too ka'nusz̲un.
Please hand me !
Here you are.
Thank you. Musi.
Look at (something)! nilh'en (to one person)
nulh'en (to two or more people)
Listen to (something)! ooz̲eilht̲s̲'ai (to one person)
ooz̲ulht̲s̲'ai (to two or more people)
Smell (something)! iltsis (to one person)
lhutsis (to two or more people)
What is this?
This is .
Di hont'oh?
What are you looking for?
I am looking for.
Di kuninta?
What colour is it? Dawhut'en?
What animal is it? Di khunai hont'oh?
What plant is it? Di hanuyeh hont'oh?
What are you doing? Di 'int'en? (to one person)
Di 'aht'en (to two or more people)


is walking around (animal on all limbs). nulget.
is flying around. nut'oh.
is swimming around. nube.
It is raining. Nawhulhtih.
It is windy. Nilht̲s̲'i.
It is snowing. Nawhujas̲.
It is cold. Whunez̲k'uz̲.
It is sunny. Sa hai'ai.
It is warm. whunez̲ul
It is foggy. 'A naints'ut.
It is cloudy. Ninawhunde.
The road is slippery. Ti hoolhkut.
The ice is cracking with us. Tun nelh diltulh.

Domain Specific

Birds & Tracks

Bird's Nest dut'ait'o
Black-capped Chickadee ts'usga
Tracks 'uk'oh
Moose Tracks dunik'oh


Bottom layer 'Onyo
Hole 'An
Ice Tun
Water between ice and snow 'indzeghastoo
Snow Yus̲
Winter Khui
Fish Lhukw
In the smoke Lhut yoh
Embers/coals Kwuntset
Under the ice Tun t'ah
Shirt Dzoozt'an
Chair Kw'us̲uda
Fish Species
Ling cod (burbot) t̲s̲intel
Sockeye Salmon Talukw
Lake Trout / Char Bet
Sucker Goosibai
Rainbow Trout Duk'ai
Whitefish Lhewh
White Sturgeon Lhkw’encho
Fish Parts
Blood 'Us̲kai
Fish Slime Lhukwtl’us
Fish Fins, Bones, or Skeleton Lhukwghak
Fish Roe Lhukwk'oon
Fish Heart Lhukwdzi
Fish Tail Lhukwchela
Fish Gills Lhukwk'us
Fish Eye Lhukwna
Fish Belly/Stomach Lhukwchan
Fish Liver Lhukwzut
Fish Kidney Lhukwkw'uz
Fish Meat Lhukwyat
Equipment, Tools & Supplies
Auger Tun Bendunuldus
Ice Chisel 'Ude
Fishing Line Jus̲tl'ool
Reel Buk'unaoodez̲chis
Fishing Rod Jus̲chun
Fishnet Lhombilh
Hook Jus̲
Sinker Jus̲t̲s̲e
Bait 'Uni
Worms Sgoo
Board Dzihtel
Rain Gear Chan ch'a Lheinya
Skewer Daskwun
Bathyscope Teh beoonul'en
Fish Processing
You cut its head off Butsi hailht'as
You cut it open Buchatselht'as̲
You take out its guts Buchahailhkat.
You take out its gills Buk'us hai'aih.
You cut the bottom of the tongue Butsoola ninint'as̲
You cut the the top of the mouth Buz̲ek 'ondo int'as̲.
You fillet Dudint'as̲
You smoke it Lhut be 'inle
Put the fish in the bucket. Lhukw 'oosa beinle.
They are tanning fish skins. Lhukwz̲uz̲ ghahuba.
Other Verbs and Verbal Phrases
Let's go fishing! (two of us) 'Oduljas̲!
Let's go fishing! (three or more of us) 'Uts'oolhjas̲!
I am going to catch a fish. 'Utesjus̲.
Are you going to catch a fish? 'Utalhjus̲?
Drop the fishing line into the water! Justl'ool teninleh.
Don't put it too far down! Yooyoh to'alh 'uneh!
Jig it a little! Nilhbalh!
Jig it a lot! Natingus!
I got a bite. Sedunez̲gooh.
I caught a fish! 'Uz̲usjus̲!
He/she is fishing through the ice De'ulhbulh
You check the ice (by chopping three times) Bughaninadilhtselh
They drilled a hole Tehudilhduz
They chopped a hole Tehudilhtsel
They chiseled a hole Tehudilhget
Walk carefully! (to one person) Nalhtsaya ninya!
Walk carefully! (to two people) Nalhtsaya nah'as!
Walk carefully! (to three or more people) Nalhtsaya nahdelh!
The ice is slippery. Tun hoolhkut.
The ice is not slippery. Tun hoolhkut iloh.
It is not slippery on the snow. Yus̲ k'ut hoolhkut iloh.

Ice Fishing Conversation


Berry Mai
New growth Tez̲yi


Map Yunk’eguz
North Ni
South Nda
East Nduk
West Nuk


Black Cottonwood tree landooz
Black Cottonwood buds dulats'ek


It is blackdulhgus
It is blueduldzan
It is brownyun dot'en
It is goldgool dot'en
It is greendultl'uz
It is greydulgui
It is orangekwun dot'en
It is pinkdunulk'un
It is purplemaitoo dot'en
It is reddulk'un
It is whitelhuyul
It is yellowdultso


Beaver tsa
Black bear sus
Butterfly tsagwelht'ah
Cat boos
Coyote chuntulhi
Crow datsan
Deer yests'e
Dog lhi
Dragonfly tank'uz̲tilh
Duck / Bird dut'ai
Eagle t̲s̲ibalyan
Fish lhukw
Fox nanguz
Frog dulkw'ah
Lynx was̲i
Marten chunih
Moose duni
Nest t'o
Rabbit goh
Raven datsancho
Squirrel nats'ildelh
Wolf yus
Woodpecker chundulkw'uz


Alder k'us̲
Balsam Fir t̲s̲'ootsun
Bark 'ut'ooz
Berry / fruit mai
Black Cottonwood tree landooz
Black Cottonwood buds dulats'ek
Brittle Horsehair Lichen (Old Man’s Beard) dohgha
Cow Parsnip goos̲
Cranberry t̲s̲alht̲s̲e
Devil’s Club hoolhghulh
Douglas Fir chuntsi
Fern 'ah
Flower 'is̲dak
Jack/Lodgepole Pine chundoo
Leaf 'ut'an
Moss 'uyemba
Paper Birch k'ui
PIne Cone 'angwul
PIne Needle 'ul
Pitch Medicine dzeh yoo
Poplar tl'ughusyaz
Raspberry t'ankalhtsul
Spruce t̲s̲'oo
Tree duchun
Willow k'uidlih

Revision of 2025-01-23 17:03:46